Biography for

Name:LUI Pan To Barton
Country:HKG    HKG
Home Town:

Results of 1 Overall competition(s) are available.

Personal 3 Bests (from available competitions)

500 mMEN44.817ISU World Championships, unofficial, Debrecen, HUN, 08.03. - 10.03.2013
1000 mMEN1:29.905ISU World Championships, unofficial, Debrecen, HUN, 08.03. - 10.03.2013
1000 mMEN1:30.415ISU World Championships, unofficial, Debrecen, HUN, 08.03. - 10.03.2013

Overall Classifications

39. PlaceMENISU World Championships, unofficial, Debrecen, HUN, 08.03. - 10.03.2013

Distance Classifications

40. PlaceMEN500 mISU World Championships, unofficial, Debrecen, HUN, 08.03. - 10.03.2013
21. PlaceMEN1000 mISU World Championships, unofficial, Debrecen, HUN, 08.03. - 10.03.2013